Dye spray to uniform and correct imperfections color of fur of black color and also can be used in combination with other colored sprays to darken or strengthen the effect.
Spry, moths killer for environments, caveau, laboratory, shop, wardrobes and so on. A fully emptied canister protects from 45 to 75 cubic meters from the moths.
This product was specifically designed to make the fur leather soft and elastic while being nailed.Perfectto restore elasticity and softness of the leather wen dry aged or having undergone aggressive cleanings that have weakened the leather. Bottle 1l.
Product perfectly formulated for dyeing leather, REPLACES ANILINE, easy to apply and leaves the skin soft without drying it , and you can dilute it with water or alcohol to get a less intense color. Available in BLACK and BROWN, packs of 1l. or 5l.
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